The Hotelier's Tech Toolkit Webinar | MyStay

The Hotelier’s Tech Toolkit Webinar

MyStay editorial staff 3 minute read

On 24th of November 2021 we at  MyStay hosted the Hotelier Tech Toolkit Webinar in partnership with Asksuite, Bookassist, The Hotels Network and YieldPlanet, a free webinar that discussed the benefits of using integrated technology within the hospitality industry to assist the post-COVID lockdown era.

All of the partners are well established innovative hospitality tech companies considered leaders in their field. We have joined forces in order to help hotels and facilities alike get back to business smoothly.

Each company worked to express their own product’s technological impact on the industry and how the integration of their products will excel the future processes of the traveling world.

Pavlina Zychová, our CEO here at MyStay, mediated this discussion and explained that because of the seamless cooperation of these five companies, the opening kit was able to be developed and promoted as a tool to assist transitioning businesses into the benefits of automation. Pavlina presented three main topics: cut unnecessary costs, increase revenue, and offer a customizable experience.

All of the speakers focused on the booking phase and in-stay phase, explaining how those two sectors should cohesively work together to make the guests’ experience as easy as possible.

After viewing the webinar, hoteliers should be better equipped to further understand how to increase direct bookings, diversify business, optimize pricing, measure performance, proactively approach potential customers, ensure the health and safety of staff and guests, and simplify and automate operational processes at a property. Pavlina introspectively found important takeaways from each presentation and summarized each by the following:

Asksuite (Presented by Lina Gorga)- Streamlines communication and increases automation by catering to customers.

Bookassist (Presented by Mario Clemente)- Speeds up customer’s mobile experience.

MyStay (Presented by Marianna Víghová)- Proactively promotes contactless accessibility

The Hotels Network (Presented by Rita Amaral)- Turns users into bookers which improves personalized customer experience.

YieldPlanet (Presented by Soraia Letra)- Encourages the diversification and flexibility of the traditional business model.

The takeaway

The final eight takeaways from the interactive experience concluded that hoteliers should be focusing on getting as many direct bookings as possible, measuring success through appealing and easily navigable media platforms, diversifying business to optimize distribution, optimizing pricing, analyzing benchmarking, caring for future customers, offering contactless solutions, and automating processes.

MyStay promoted this webinar as a way to start getting the hospitality community back on the same page and Pavlina expressed the importance of continued education to pre-existing and newly developed establishments. All of the represented companies within the webinar are accredited businesses that are looking to reinvent the future. Working together to get the traveling world back on track is the main priority and MyStay was honored to host such an open conversation about where businesses should be headed next.

Would you like to see, what the fuss was all about, but weren’t able to join? No problem, we made a recording for you!
